It’s who He is

This weekend I had breakfast with my beautiful friend, Josey, who is in the military. She shared about her recent advancement ceremony, where she was allowed to choose two people to pin the insignia of her new rank on her collars. It is an honor for those who are chosen, as it is a recognition of their significance in that person’s life. Josey could choose anyone and normally the choice for that honor would be a family member or a higher ranking military mentor. But Josey is a follower of Jesus (and a radical one at that) and she gave that choice to the Lord. He made the selection and His choices for this honor were two men in her unit, both of them unliked, ostracized and bullied by the others. One of the men chosen by the Lord was even subordinate in rank to her – something that just wasn’t done.

Sitting in the middle of the restaurant with people eating and talking and dishes clattering all around, I felt the presence of God wash over me. Tears began to fall down my cheeks as I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the Almighty God who is the lover of outcasts. The Spirit of God was shouting in my spirit – “THIS IS WHO YOUR GOD IS!”

Lifting the lowly

Loving the broken

Pursuing the rejected

It’s who He is.

And when I catch a glimpse…it is breathtaking.

Though the LORD is on high, yet He regards the lowly – Psalm 138:6a

Beautiful, beautiful Yahweh!

One thought on “It’s who He is

  1. davidsdailydose June 12, 2022 / 7:20 am

    What a wonderful and powerful story. Your friend was most like God when she chose the despised soldiers to pin her collars. Thank you for sharing this! God Bless.

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